Phil Reed D.philPsychology Today |
Narcissism and anxious attachment predict conspiracy theory belief differently.
Are there specific digital behaviours and activities that put young people at risk?
Is there a relationship between exposure to online material and suicide?
Are influencers purveyors of ‘dopamine democracy' and a threat to society?
Why digital communication may hurt emotional regulation strategies.
Criticisms of links between social media and poor wellbeing may be wide of the mark.
What is the real relationship between using social media and poor mental health?
Is vaguebooking a bad thing, and who does it?
Research on biological swarms offers insight into the habits of social media.
Digital platforms may not support social learning and, hence, tradition.
Revisiting "Nigel Lawson’s tent" reveals same old problems in the digital age.
There could be reasons to suspect that social media use is causing ADHD.