Sue Surkes

Sue Surkes

The Times of Israel

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Over 1,000 attend grassroots confab in the north to help plan for next government

Organized by change-minded activists, conference in northern city of Haifa believed to be one of 14 separate such initiatives created in recent months

10.09.2024 50

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

New zip line over East Jerusalem offers end-of-summer adrenaline rush

The country’s longest such attraction is the latest in a string of projects created by the right-wing City of David Foundation — all over the...

30.08.2024 80

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Sea surface temperatures continue to rise in Gulf of Eilat — annual report

National Monitoring Program finds coral cover almost back to levels of before March 2020, when storm wreaked havoc, but warns about continued...

11.08.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Food waste cost economy NIS 1 billion during first six months of war — study

Lack of access and reduction in farmhands caused shortages that saw vegetables prices rise 18% and fruit prices 12%, says paper calling for more...

30.07.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

‘Typical Scottish Jewish girl’ makes home in Zambia after dumping legal career in UK

Lynn Mendelsohn runs an animal sanctuary in Livingstone: ‘My Jewish identity is important and I’d like to be buried in the Jewish...

29.07.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Electricity bills expected to drop as major privatization reform enters into effect

Even without a smart meter, domestic consumers now free to choose between Israel Electric Corporation, seven other private suppliers; Energy Minister...

25.07.2024 10

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Company with ‘game-changing’ method for removing CO₂ from air nets over $10 million

While today’s technology can suck a mere 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide from the air annually, Israel’s CarbonBlue seeks to exponentially...

25.07.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Abraham Group become 1st Israeli chain certified by Global Sustainable Tourism Council

Group’s four hostels rewarded by US-based organization for commitment to sustainability, supporting local community, enhancing cultural...

25.07.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Councils, companies left without e-waste recycling as ministry cuts firm’s contract

Environmental Protection Ministry make sudden decision to withdraw backing for Ecommunity, one of two corporations dealing with electronic trash

24.07.2024 10

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Just 25% of planned steps to cut emissions completed by ministries — report

Environmental Protection Ministry’s annual update on implementation of 241 policy measures latest in string of reports slamming...

21.07.2024 10

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Central Israel residents demand access to massive green space just beyond a fence

Zoned as a school, the historic Mikveh Israel Agricultural Youth Village in central Israel says it’s not a park but an educational site and...

16.07.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

At first marine climate confab, scientists paint worrying picture with few solutions

Academics cite rising water temps that weaken coral reefs and affect plankton, while invasive urchins strip rocks of food for fish; nature authorities...

08.07.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Harmful ‘forever chemicals’ found in factories, landfill, treatment plants, streams

In wake of High Court petition by green group, ministry publishes results of PFAS sampling, draft of PFAS regulations for hazardous waste permits

03.07.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

As war with Hezbollah looms, concerns over vulnerability of power grid generate unease

Experts say Israel’s energy supply is susceptible to attack; with nation ill-prepared for long blackouts, many are rushing for diesel...

25.06.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Confab shows off startups, from AI-driven weeders and tree tubes to alternative fats

PLANETech conference in Tel Aviv brings scientists, developers, entrepreneurs and investors together to help solve climate, environmental,...

23.06.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Geologists press Dead Sea Works to prevent creation of salt mountain ‘as tall as Masada’

Company said examining alternatives for disposal of mineral extraction byproduct as state’s Geological Survey pins hopes on developing beauty...

21.06.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

State begins rehabilitation of polluted Haifa stream

Pumping station will divert pollutants from Saadia stream, which flows through northern city’s industrial area. But, says activist, it...

18.06.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

First year of integrating migrant children with Israelis in Tel Aviv schools ‘a success’

Municipality, Education Ministry announced integration pilot for first-graders days before High Court was to discuss petition against segregation

18.06.2024 50

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Loan org, Leket food bank, partner to offer farmers credit to cope with war effects

Tracks offer 3% fixed interest rate on loans of up to NIS 300,000 over five years, or prime-rated loans of up to NIS 1 million over a decade, plus...

16.06.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Israel ‘has alternatives’ to suspended Colombian coal, says electric company

Latin American country supplies more than half of Israel’s coal; IEC negotiating with alternative suppliers to ‘increase room for...

10.06.2024 10

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Dead Sea oasis’s new visitor complex showcases efforts to save unique ecosystem

Einot Zukim Nature Reserve – also known by its Arabic name Ein Feshkha – has a new standout desert-life education center that blends in...

08.06.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Reservists’ spouses feel ‘vacuum’ of absence as households come under strain

Government aid package described by one person as ‘band aid,’ while psychological stress remains high for those taking care of families...

06.06.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Israelis, Palestinians to launch joint bid to bring humanitarian aid to post-war Gaza

Damour for Community Development in Gaza, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies form group of companies aiming to provide off-grid services to...

06.06.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

KKL-JNF moves from massive planting to target-driven, sustainable management

Policy is ‘to ask not where we can plant, but if there is a reason to plant,’ says former official, as 103-year-old organization adapts to...

05.06.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Environment Ministry unveils old-new plan to slow demise of Dead Sea

Subject to Israeli and Jordanian approval, project would desalinate Mediterranean seawater using hydroelectricity, sell drinking water to Jordan and...

29.05.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Iranian dissident director who fled country presents latest film at Cannes

Mohammad Rasoulof escaped Iran by foot in face of arrest; film ‘The Seed of the Sacred Fig’ tells story of judge’s struggles amid...

24.05.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Inside the plan to turn Haifa’s befouled bay into a livable urban hub rivaling Tel Aviv

The Gateway to the Bay project will replace polluting factories and oil storage tanks with 130,000 new homes, walkable streets, beaches, parkland,...

24.05.2024 100

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Deadly pathogen that wiped out Eilat’s sea urchins reaches Indian Ocean

Facing fears of global epidemic, Tel Aviv University scientists, who first identified local die-off and specific pathogen, are working with regional...

23.05.2024 80

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

World Biodiversity Day report: Israel’s butterflies, birds, reptiles in serious decline

Israel’s habitat loss and fragmentation, pollution, invasive species, overexploitation of natural resources and rising temperatures blamed in...

22.05.2024 100

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Bazan Group, subsidiaries fined almost $1 million for pollution

Haifa Magistrate’s Court decision to fine Carmel Olefins $275,000 comes less than two weeks after Environmental Protection Ministry gave it a $5...

20.05.2024 80

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

3 recovered hostages laid to rest in Israel, 7 months after they were slain by Hamas

Mourners pay their respects to Shani Louk, Amit Buskila and Itzhak Gelerenter, with funeral for Ron Benjamin set for Monday

19.05.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Environment ministry rejects bid by PM’s office to increase oil activity in Eilat

Ministry rebuffs request to dump policy aimed at protecting Red Sea corals, marine ecosystems, a move that could earn state company an annual $50...

16.05.2024 100

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

How ordinary citizens became superhuman on October 7: A new book recounts their tales

Author Nachum Avniel’s ‘We’re On Our Way: The Civilians Who Saved Lives On October 7’ focuses on everyday heroes to highlight...

14.05.2024 80

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Tensions simmer at Druze memorial ceremony attended by Likud minister Nir Barkat

As activists demonstrate peacefully, Druze spiritual leader Sheikh Mowafaq Tarif calls on state to allow young Druze to build legally on their land

13.05.2024 90

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Environment laws becoming harder to pass, outgoing ministry legal adviser says

Dalit Dror tells confab officials fought Finance Ministry as hard as they could over much-maligned climate bill, which passed first reading in April

09.05.2024 70

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Bill to keep homeowners on ex-church land out of leaseholder limbo wins broad support

Jerusalemites unsure over future rights due to sale of plots say developer trying to push some apartment owners to buy out leases before Knesset cuffs...

05.05.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Carbon emissions from shipping rise as freight vessels steer clear of Houthis

Pollution from ships sailing from Far East to Mediterranean up 63% in Q1, up 23% for vessels journeying from Far East to Europe, new index shows

24.04.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Franciscans petition High Court over Jerusalem Old City cable car project

Custodians of Catholic sites in the Holy Land argue that city officials broke their promise not to allow the controversial project to pass over...

18.04.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Nature org urges opposition to ‘draconian’ proposals for rebuilding Gaza border area

Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel holds emergency meeting to warn that new committees proposed in draft law memorandum will empower...

17.04.2024 10

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Planned ‘Jerusalem Burj’ skyscraper draws opposition over proximity to landmarks

200 objections lodged against plans for 200-meter tower, designed by Burj Khalifa architect’s firm, to overlook Yad Vashem and Mount Herzl...

09.04.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Police revive plan to build complex on beloved Jerusalem hill, angering residents

Activists ask why law enforcement waited until day after municipal elections to inform court that examination of alternative sites had come up with...

09.04.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Controversial shipment of livestock reaches Israel from Australia after months-long odyssey

Animal rights groups slam both governments for allowing the consignment of some 14,000 sheep and calves to sail after original journey was diverted by...

08.04.2024 30

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Knesset passes 1st reading of climate bill without any clear budgeting

In what opponents see as capitulation to Finance Ministry, bill allows government to change climate goals and time targets, as well as base year for...

04.04.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Knesset committee peels away secrecy rules governing state oil company

Committee head says changes strike ‘correct balance’ between state security and public’s right to know; green groups welcome reform,...

04.04.2024 60

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

With an ambitious civic agenda, Brothers and Sisters in Arms says it’s here to stay

The protest group founded by reserve soldiers last year wants involvement in education, community and employment issues, to strengthen democratic...

01.04.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

After surviving October 7, Israeli cocoa plants could help stave off world shortage

Ellen Graber’s ‘superhero’ seedlings, forced to fend for themselves after Hamas attack, survived 3.5 months without water or...

27.03.2024 50

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

State comptroller chides government, PM for talk but little action on climate change

Report says despite 47 government decisions in 16 years, progress marked by ‘functional stagnation’; fossil fuel subsidies far exceed...

19.03.2024 40

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Start-up aims to help renewable energy firms locate best sites — with one click

REplace, brainchild of two immigrants from Argentina, has algorithm check potential locations based on 40 parameters; co-founder: ‘80% of...

18.03.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Government preps new Dead Sea minerals tender, with lake’s endangered future in focus

With current mineral extraction concession ending in 2030, official says new tender to go out next year, as area around salty water body continues to...

18.03.2024 20

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Impact of olive oil shortage on Israel could have been averted, industry chief says

Head of olive division at Israel Plant Council accuses government of abandoning farmers, who could make Israel a global olive oil power

13.03.2024 10

The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes
