Dr Saulat NagiDaily Times |
Of all the games, cricket like the western civilization, has the potential of becoming the most unpredictable and uncertain game. The maxim famous for...
“The British are entitled always to mistrust other people”, AJP Taylor once wrote “but others are not entitled to mistrust the British. That is...
“Elections of masters,” Marcuse says, “don’t change master slave relations”. By giving a false impression of temporary and temporal power of...
“By my troth, I care not; a man can die but once; we owe God a death... .” Human as Shakespeare states, in literal sense dies for once—though...
The news of Hassan Nasrallah’s assassination was shocking but not happening in a void. After Gaza, the back-to-back terror incidents happening in...
“In cases of defense ’tis best to weigh”, Shakespeare warns“ The Enemy more mighty than he seems“ a suggestion suitable for Israel. However,...
In King John, one of Shakespeare’s comparatively less mentioned plays, he says, “Your breath first kindled the dead coal of wars, Between this...
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” (Dante) Thus spoke Netanyahu,...
“When evildoing comes like falling rain, nobody calls out “stop!” Bertolt Brecht says, ”When crimes begin to pile up, they become invisible....