US: A gods’ scourge or a decadent power?
When gods wish to punish us,“ Oscar Wilde says. “They answer our prayers”. “German deserved what they got” AJP Taylor says, “when they went around crying for a hero”. Either it was a scourge of gods or crying for a hero, the people of the US got Donald Trump, as their president, a perfect pathological specimen of a decadent society.
When the choice was between an executioner and a brutal slayer, there was not much for the people to choose between the two candidates.
The US is notorious for creating from professional to amateur murderers. From Jack-the- Ripper to Oswald/Jack Ruby— the latter was a Zionist Jew— the characters who allegedly killed JF Kennedy to regular school shooting, a norm in the US to McCarthyism when the ordinary citizens were assassinated either physically or financially for being associated to communism, the capitalist system first slayed the psyche before killing the soma.
The victims largely Is it a wonder that every Jack-the-Ripper is closely linked with the “Match Girls’ Strike”? It’s no coincidence, for history follows its dialectical course and no event is separate from the other.
Poverty harbors crimes but actual criminals are those who create the condition for the poverty and employ any means to curb or control the protests and strikes of the class-conscious proletariat through direct state oppression and by creating a fear of some unknown assassin who kills ordinary human beings to gratify his libidinal pleasure or sadistic impulse. Both are the products of a sick system.
Hollywood has a special knack for instilling fear in people’s hearts by making movies of serial killers who kill for attaining joy or to challenge the bourgeois status quo by a lone wolf adventurism, a negative way yet it shows the dissatisfaction with the system.
Another purpose of this futile but torture oriented, trigger-happy gung-ho style adventurism is to proliferate the idea of instilling insensitivity among the people by showing them on the screen which they suffer in their everyday lives. “The quantity of organized amusement is converted into a quality of organized cruelty” (Horkheimer).
The US presidents are the product of the same society. What can one expect from a settler- colonial state born after the annihilation of the native population with brutality? History is witness that all American presidents, including the so-called founding fathers, were slave owners and were obsessed by the Ku Klux Klan........
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