Letters for Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Gutless politicians refuse to stand up
Jeanie Bunnecke’s Feb. 25 letter to the editor, (“We must protect checks and balances,”) is right on. This administration or some semblance of it is working hard to become a dictatorship as soon as possible. It only took Hitler 56 days to become dictator. Trump is on his way.
How anyone who is supposed to be an American can agree to what is happening is only a sad joke. It is a shame that our supposed elected officials didn’t and don’t respond for us and their families on us losing our liberties is a sin. As I see it, they are gutless and afraid of losing their position and supposed power, Democrats and Republicans alike.
It is a shame that they won’t stand up for what is right and just.
Richard Moran
Chip-and-seal plan will cause harm
We strongly oppose the town’s proposed plans to apply “chip and seal” road coverings to Texas Hill Road and Apple Tree Lane in Hillsdale.
Our cattle graze the fields running down from Texas Hill Road.
We are concerned that the tar used in chip-and-seal would leach into the rainwater that drains into our fields and increase road runoff, polluting our farm’s streams and potentially our well water, too.
There are safety as well as environmental reasons to keep these roads as they are. Chip-and-seal will encourage cars and trucks to drive faster — unsafe on a road where there are many walkers.
It is completely unnecessary to “improve” the road to speed up the traffic. Texas Hill Road is not a through road........
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