Getting Ready To Exhale After Four Years Of Biden And Democrats
Depending on what time you’re reading this column, our long national nightmare is either nearly over or is over. Either way, it’s time to exhale.
Joe Biden was a horrible President and is a horrible person. But, in a testament to the greatness of the United States of America, we survived. It didn’t always seem like we would, but we made it.
Now Joe can go sit on his bony ass, puttering around either of his mansion and wait for what is left of his mind to fade into the fog of dementia. There will likely be talk of a memoir, but there is no audience for it. How can someone who doesn’t remember what they had for breakfast write their memories of the last four years?
It doesn’t matter, it’s about the check, as that memoir is the last thing Joe has left to sell.
After 50 years of influence peddling and his family selling access to him (and probably his votes), the Biden well is as empty as his head. Joe’s brother and son are left with a pile of Lehman Brothers stock. Remember when Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 and donations to the Clinton “charities” dwindled? They had nothing left to sell, so there was no reason for the major corporations and foreign governments to keep “donating”........
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