The Eternal Jew’s Tale, #173, Abarbanel 4.72
In this episode we see how Ruakh shapes our dreams.
The Abarbanel Cycle, 4.72
The Ladder of Ascents, 7.2
Compiled by Isaac Abarbanel
With the help of the Eternal Jew and his wife Batkol
2.1 The Second Palace, its First Gate
…Now, come hear the Ruakh voice and see the Ruakh shine its light thru your dreams into your soul. And see how your Adam mind grinds infinity to a grain of sand…
This be a fragment from a dream exemplifying a common terrain:
You’re walking thru a fallow field. Stubble of barley, furrows and clods. There, behind is your childhood home, tho you never lived in such a place…
And this be some Ruakh in the terrain:
The field is the surface of the whole earth. It has no beginning; it has no end. It curves out to the starry sky and inward into the human soul. You are walking it, step by step; it furrows you, step by step. Moment by moment, step by step the field curls its furrows in you like waves of the sea. The furrows slosh around your feet, up to your knees, heaving, swirling rush the tides, sweeping you into the furling waves. Furrows and wrinkles etch your face, a face once smooth like the face of the sea; a face once soft like the cheeks of a child,........
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