Leadership and Vision
There is a saying: “If you don’t know where you have been or where you are, how the hell can you know where you want to go?” A leader must have a full grasp of the narrative that he wishes to build upon and a perfect understanding of the story that has to be sold to the followers. Confidence in the story is a guarantee for invoking inspiration to pursue the objectives.
A leader must continually reflect upon the journey, for only that is the assured nourishment that will keep feeding an organisation’s future. Leaders must have a solid vision. In the development of vision, there is no such thing as gazing into a crystal ball or having some falsely imagined ability to peer into the future. It goes far beyond this mundane view of envisioning how things will pan out. Vision is about insight, instinct, and intuition. A combination of these traits in a single individual constitutes the qualities needed to lead a group of followers.
South Africa whitewash Pakistan with commanding 10-wicket victoryEnlightened leaders bide their time to undertake projects. They are normally driven by a continuous combustion of the fire of ambition within. The word “amit” is a Greek term connoting........
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