COUNTY VIEW: Breakups don’t have to be forever
Sad to relate, your columnist’s long-term relationship came to an end before Christmas. And while it would be wrong to say it left no scars, in the long run it was probably best for both of us.
We had been together for the best part of 20 years. Yes, we had our ups and downs, as every couple has. Our share of the silent treatments, inordinate demands, sullen silences, threatened walkouts, unanswered messages – but no different from any other pair. And we always seemed to make up again.
But this time it was different.
For SkyTV and me, we knew the time had come to pull the plug. Enough was enough, and when the weekly demands for contribution went up yet again, there could be only one outcome.
It wasn’t as if I hadn’t been warned. Friends who had been down that road all had the same story. The shameless hussy would bleed her loyal partners for all she could get, and at the same time she would be making eyes at other, younger suitors, offering them cut-price rates and all sorts of enticements to attract them into the lair.
And I had been warned of the faceless, anonymous members of the Sky Customer Team, who might (or, more........
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