Letters for Sunday, March 2, 2025
SAVE Act seeks to undermine our rights
Women won the right to vote in 1920, with the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The suffragist movement, which fought for voting rights for more than 70 years, continued its work by forming the League of Women Voters. Our local League was born five years later.
For more than 100 years, the League’s mission has been to encourage, inform and assist citizens in registering to vote and exercising their right to vote; and bring voters nonpartisan, factual, information so they can make informed choices.
Now, there is a concerted effort to undermine the rights we fought for so hard and for so long.
The so-called SAVE Act (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility) would make it more difficult to register to vote, make it harder for voters to access nonpartisan, fact-based information, and create roadblocks to the act of voting.
Among the act’s proposals are voter ID requirements that make it difficult for married women who took their spouse’s name to register to vote because their last names would not match the one on their birth certificates.
As Congress debates the act, we must tell our representatives that obstacles to exercising our right to vote are unacceptable.
Because whether the act passes in its entirety, in pieces, or not at all, the threat to voting rights is clear: The act’s proposals are now part of the conversation, a step toward normalizing the erosion of citizens’ right to vote.
Joan Fucillo
The writer is Voter Services Chair LWV, Schenectady.
Special interests are co-opting Christianity
This moderate independent can’t help but admire the deft management of the president by his public relations team.
His appearances at a prize fight, Super Bowl and Daytona 500 were brilliant strategies to strengthen his connection with grassroots Americans. Can you imagine Harris, Hochul, Schumer and Warren being in attendance?
Democrats douse themselves with haughtiness and perfume before mingling with the masses and fret over their inability to appeal to people on the street.
That being said, I’m appalled by the prominent display of the Christian cross adorning the bosoms of polished self-righteous models of the Aryan race occupying high-profile positions.
I’m dismayed that Christians don’t appreciate the flagrant manipulations of their religion by cynical predatory special interests.
The Republicans appear fixated upon reviving the Christian customs of plundering riches, spreading disease and eradicating and subjugating indigenous peoples, while giving free rein to The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse.
I challenge every self-proclaimed Christian to swallow their vitriol and cast their eyes upon the pews as they bear silent witness to the future of Christianity in America.
I advise Jew and Muslim alike to refrain from exalting in smug validation of your beliefs and practices. Demons afflicting mortals know no theological boundaries.
Please explain........
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