How your superannuation is becoming one of Australia’s biggest exports
When we travel overseas, we regularly find ourselves taking note and appreciating those subtle reminders of home.
Strolling past an RM Williams store in London, coming across our renowned surf or health brands in retail outlets, a famous Australian on the world sporting stage, or familiar brands of food and wine products in supermarkets.
Australian super funds are investing billions of dollars in assets and infrastructure overseas.Credit: Getty Images
Yet, there’s one major Australian export that is increasingly everywhere, but goes almost unnoticed, and that’s your super savings.
But make no mistake, as your super fund scours the world looking for opportunities to grow your retirement savings: it’s also strengthening not only Australia’s economic and diplomatic ties, but shoring up our growing influence on the international financial landscape as well.
While much of this flows into financial markets with investment in companies, it’s also being invested into ‘real’ assets.
So next time you find yourself in an airport in Vienna or Manchester, driving on a toll road in Italy, the USA or France, using the high-speed internet in regional Germany or spellbound by the magic of AI in the US, home might be closer than first thought. Indeed, there’s a pretty good chance you might even own a piece of these assets........
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