Dutton unplugged? Bolt for the long grass… More Dutton stuff ups!
The next federal election looms ahead menacingly. This is when the metal hits the meat and we have to make hard decisions or become just the burnt bits on the edge of the Democracy Sausage Sizzle.
The incumbent government is a bucket of time-ex bait on a hot day, with a leader odds-on for worst PM since Billy McMahon (if anyone wanted to contest that dubious honour) His panoply of Noddy dolls in ministerial positions — with too few exceptions — have turned the Light on the Hill into a penny candle on a traffic speed bump. Massively disappointing.
Australia is MIA on matters including environmental protection, geopolitical strategic safety, adherence to that chimerical notion of “the International Rule of Law” as expressed by the UN and the ICJ, failing to support genuine social coherence and avoiding a raft of other societal matters that delineate actual progress.
“Could do better” would be faint condemnation of what the Albanese Government has achieved and therefore reliably promises for the future. The best hope is: “possibly limits the damage to come”.
No such equivocation applies to what a Dutton-led government proposes for the nation – nor does his/their/its history ameliorate the assessment of the damage that is foretold by examination of statements and “policy” (to abuse an innocent term unfairly).
Dutton is not so much making it up as he goes along as plagiarising the Trump songbook, reinforcing that Artificial Intelligence is no match for........
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