Cuomo can’t run from sexual harassment
It took real chutzpah for disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo to launch his mayoral campaign on the first day of Women’s History Month. This whole month, and today, International Women’s Day, is meant to honor the struggles and triumphs of women, including their fight for workplace protections, equal rights, and the ability to build careers free from harassment and abuse.
Cuomo’s candidacy is a brazen attempt to erase recent history — one in which he was held accountable for violating those very rights. It is an insult to the women who came forward, risking their careers and reputations to hold a powerful man accountable.
Cuomo may have high name recognition and a “tough guy” persona that is often mistaken for strength, but strong leaders punch up, not down. Cuomo, by contrast, resigned in disgrace after being found by independent investigators of sexually harassing female government employees and creating a hostile work environment.
He now asks New Yorkers to choose him anyway. Some sitting elected officials are publicly considering rationales for a Cuomo........© NY Daily News