Shocking that pay differences between men and women are still so stark
Blusterers, showmen, the all-words-no-substance types who are promoted time and time again to the incredulity of those around them. Men and women, but mainly men.
Watching the inauguration of the 47th president of the United States on Monday might have raised this very question in households across the world.
Recruiters say men will apply for jobs even if they only fulfil part of the criteria and the skills needed for the role.
While women, won’t apply if just one aspect of the criteria doesn’t match their experience, only putting themselves forward when they can honestly say they fit every detail listed in the person specification.
If this isn’t proof of a genetic over-inflated opinion of their own ability, I don’t know what is: An overriding confidence that men can get away with bluffing compared to a crippling female fear that they will be deemed inadequate and lacking.
This stark difference in attitude follows in pay negotiations.
After decades of focus and work, a gender pay gap is still very real with, on average, women still earning 13% less an hour than men, according to the Office for National Statistics.
The difference is larger among full time and high earners. Women in their early thirties earn 9 per cent........© Norwich Evening News