'Vindicates our stand': India after Neutral Expert favours it on hydropower projects under Indus Water Treaty
New Delhi: The Neutral Expert appointed by the World Bank has declared that it is competent to resolve the rifts between India and Pakistan regarding two hydropower projects in Jammu and Kashmir, under the Indus Water Treaty. On Tuesday, this decision, which upheld India’s stance, was hailed by New Delhi.
The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), in a statement, pointed out that “it has been India’s consistent and principled position that the Neutral Expert alone has the competence under the Treaty to decide these differences” related to the Kishenganga and Ratle hydroelectric power plants in the Union Territory.
“The decision upholds and vindicates India’s stand that all seven (07) questions that were referred to the Neutral Expert, in relation to the Kishenganga and Ratle hydroelectric projects, are differences falling within his competence under the Treaty,” it added. There was no reaction from the Pakistan........
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