China is not our enemy, but which Indian in his right mind will believe Pitroda?
The competing claims to land in the Himalayas and neighbouring regions have led to a long history of border disputes between India and China, including the 1962 Sino-Indian War and serious clashes between their soldiers in 1952 and 2020. Most recently, in a clash between the Indian and Chinese troops in Galwan Valley (Ladakh region) in June 2020, at least 20 Indian soldiers, including the Commanding Officer, Colonel Santosh Babu, lost their lives.
Meanwhile, China continues to build infrastructure—roads, helipads, bridges, etc.—along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) between the two countries. In fact, it is also building a surface-to-air missile site near the Lipulekh Pass at Kailash Mansarovar. The difference of opinion related to the borderline and resultant skirmishes between India and China can also be gauged from the fact that more than 50 rounds of talks have taken place between the two countries in the last 50 years. And yet, Indian Overseas Congress (IOC) Chief Sam Pitroda believes otherwise, and according to him, the India-China border dispute has been “blown out of proportion.”
“I don’t understand the threat from China. I think this issue is often blown out of proportion because the US has the habit of defining an enemy. I believe the time has come for all nations to collaborate, not confront,” opined Pitroda while speaking to a news agency........
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