8th Pay Commission: When was 1st Commission set up? Revisiting all Pay Commissions
As the name implies, a Pay Commission advises the government on how to set up the structure of the employees of the vast machinery of the Government of India. With Prime Minister Narendra Modi giving the greenlight on January 16 to set up the 8th Pay Commission, the expectation for upward revision of the salary, allowances and pension of about 50 lakh employees of the GoI and 65 lakh pensioners, have been formally set in motion.
Records state that the first Pay Commission was set up before Independence and 6 Pay Commissions submitted their reports in Independent India. The years when these commissions were set up are as follows: January 1946, 1957 (2nd PC), 1970 (3rd PC), 1983 (4th PC), 1994 (5th PC), 2006 (6th PC) and 2014 (7th PC).
But do you know that the first Pay Commission for central government employees was set up before India won Independence – in January 1946. The commission submitted its report well ahead of Independence – in May 1947. Perhaps more interesting to the current........
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