Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Liar, liar pants on fire, hanging from a telephone wire. We heard that every day on the playground in elementary school. Children said it when calling out another kid’s lie. But these days it seems that grown-ups, especially our politicians, are the ones that are telling the tall tales. One research study found that the average American tells about eleven lies a week.
We all fib in big and small ways. We tell falsehoods to strangers, co-workers, friends and spouses. People learn to deceive from listening to their parents tell big fat whoppers. All parents do it. It’s part of the job description. Growing up our Moms and Dads told us about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. All of which it turns out are fictional. Other common parental mendacities included:
• If you keep making that face it’ll freeze that way
• If you swallow your gum it will stay in your stomach for seven years
• If you lie your nose will grow, and
• Keep doing that and you will go blind.
Our teachers told us lies too. For instance, we were taught that six year old George Washington cut down a cherry tree with a hatchet that he got for his birthday and then confessed the dirty deed to his father. It never happened and, by the way, who gives their six year old a hatchet? Similarly, Isaac Newton didn’t discover gravity........
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