Despite no crime wave, federal National MP calls for 'tougher' youth laws in NSW
“Some of these older kids, they really need to be locked up, whether in juvenile detention centres or whatever,” said federal Nationals MP Kevin Hogan on January 14. Hogan’s seat of Page sits on the lands of the Bundjalung and Gumbaynggirr peoples.
Hogan was being interviewed by James Willis on 2GB Breakfast. Willis suggested the “crime problems in the bush” are taking place in Moree, Kempsey and Dubbo.
See also
Dutton’s racist election campaign harms whether he wins or not Justice not Jails: NT bail reforms a ‘direct attack on Black children’ NT Country Liberal Party demonises incarcerated youth Qld elections: Liberal, Labor ‘law and order’ push is thinly disguised racismPremier Chris Minns first talked about the supposed youth crime wave last March.
Nationals MPs have seized on an early morning incident in the regional town of Casino on January 11 where three teenagers broke into a house, assaulted a........
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