Shashi Tharoor And Congress: The ‘Maria Syndrome’ Dilemma
In the iconic Oscar-winning movie ‘Sound of Music’, there is a song which runs as follows:
How do you solve a problem like Maria?/ How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?/ How do you find a word that means Maria?/ A flibbertigibbet/ A will-o'-the-wisp.
If one replaces Maria with Shashi Tharoor, that will describe the predicament of the Congress High Command now. Tharoor is Maria and Dennis The Menace rolled into one for the Congress.
But why is Tharoor so upset with the Congress? To start off, it was seen to it that he would not get a fair chance to win the presidency of the Congress when the so-called elections were held. The dice was loaded heavily in favour of an ageing Mallikarjuna Kharge. The First Family, rather the ‘only family’ that rules the Congress as its fiefdom, wanted only a ‘yes man’ at the top. And Tharoor did not fit that bill.
Tharoor was and is known to take independent and rational decisions and would not have cared for the Family’s........
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