Congress Party Leaders' Loose Talk: A Boon For BJP’s Narrative Machine
The quote "If you have an enemy within, you don’t need one outside" is a widely recognized sentiment, though not definitively attributed to any single historical figure. It underscores the idea that internal discord can be more damaging than external threats—a theme echoed in politics, military strategy, and philosophy. Similar notions have been expressed by figures like Winston Churchill and Julius Caesar, notably in "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
Political analysts argue that this maxim perfectly applies to the Congress party, which has repeatedly inflicted political self-lesion and laceration through reckless statements. Notably, Mani Shankar Aiyar’s infamous remarks—"Neech Kisam Ka Aadmi" and "Chaiwala"—became potent political ammunition for Narendra Modi in 2014 general elections, allowing him to turn these insults into an emotional rallying cry that resonated with voters.
The Congress party’s repeated missteps, in the form of reckless and ill-timed remarks by its leaders, have become a goldmine for the BJP’s narrative-building machinery. Time and again, Congress leaders have made statements that not only erode their own party’s credibility but also allow the BJP to craft compelling counter-narratives. Pro-government media outlets eagerly amplify these blunders, ensuring they dominate public discourse and leave an indelible mark on voters’ perceptions.
Cong leader Shama and Rohit Sharma Controversy:
Alienating Cricket Fans:
Congress leader Shams Mohamed’s unwarranted and senseless remarks about Indian cricket captain, Rohit Sharma have triggered fresh outrage. Given cricket’s near-religious status in India, such comments have the potential to alienate Congress from fans nation and worldwide. Pro-BJP TV channels wasted no time in escalating the controversy, portraying it as another example of Congress’ disconnect from national pride. Overzealous news anchors created a media frenzy, deflecting attention from pressing national issues while reinforcing the BJP’s narrative that Congress disregards popular figures who symbolize India’s identity.
Mani Shankar Aiyar’s Serial Blunders: A BJP Asset
Few Congress leaders have inadvertently benefited the BJP’s propaganda machine as much as Mani Shankar Aiyar’s........
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