Lorne Gunter: Mark Carney had an easy ride into role as Liberal leader and new PM Very little effort was made to dig into his real record as central bank governor.
Very little effort was made to dig into his real record as central bank governor.
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Of course the Liberals elected Mark Carney overwhelmingly (85.9 per cent of the votes cast) to replace Justin Trudeau. Carney offered the Liberal faithful what every self-absorbed party desires most — a chance to retain its grasp on power.
Policy be damned. For the Liberals it’s all about electoral success. If it’s good for the Liberal party, it has to be good for Canada.
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Consider how arrogant it is that the Liberals called a leadership contest in early January. By that time, they had had nearly five weeks warning that U.S. President Donald Trump was preparing a tariff-based trade war that would threaten our entire economy and way of life. They can’t claim Trump caught them off guard.
Consider just how selfish it was to shut down Parliament at a time of pending national crisis just so they could hold their party leadership race without having to account for their actions or answer to the Opposition or Canadians in general.
Now, the Liberals seem poised to dissolve Parliament entirely so they can call an early election because a campaign now — still during a national crisis — gives them a better chance of winning re-election than waiting until this fall.
(To be fair, Ontario Premier Doug Ford did much the same thing — calling an early election so he could wrap himself in the flag and knock his opposition for a loop.)
For a party that so often claims it is the gleaming defender of Canadian institutions, such as democracy, the courts and (in their own deluded minds) the CBC, the Liberals are showing utter contempt for our most important democratic institution of all —........
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