Placement Poverty, part two (call to action)
Editor's note: The first part of this feature was published on Campaign in 2015.
Those same two advertising sorts are talking at another one of those advertising things.
Gaz: Oh, you again.
Baz: Alright? Wanted to talk to you about something.
Gaz: My provocative LinkedIn posts?
Baz: No. Something else.
Gaz: Yeah, those takes are probably just too damn spicy for ya.
Baz: Remember that article we had printed in Campaign 10 years ago?
Gaz: “Why Foursquare is here to stay”?
Baz: No
Gaz: “How to be a Russell Brand not a Russell Bland”?
Baz: No, the one about paying placements teams properly.
Gaz: Sounds incredibly dull. Remind me.
Baz: We suggested agencies should start paying placements a Real Living Wage and a freelance rate........© campaign