Too busy to invest? Here’s how I do it in under 30 minutes a month
High-interest savings accounts are currently offering interest between 5 per cent and 6 per cent. Last year, my investments grew more than triple what any savings account would have.
What is perhaps more interesting, though, is how little work was involved.
Making money in your sleep isn’t just a line peddled by self-help gurus.Credit: Simon Letch
Nowadays, my involvement is minimal. I log into my account, review my portfolio and invest based on my investment plan. There’s also some documentation around tax time. That’s about it. It usually takes less than half an hour a month.
I’m not glued to the finance news. I don’t obsess over market movements. I have a minimal maintenance, rinse-and-repeat strategy I can use forever to grow my wealth faster than any savings account while I’m busy enjoying my life.
This is what the money gurus keep talking about – making money in your sleep, having your money work harder for you than you do for it, and so on.
It’s an attractive idea. Yet despite its appeal, so many people still procrastinate on investing for years, if not decades. Why?
There are many reasons – fear of risk, not knowing where........
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