Media hoax centering participation of Yunus in G20 Summit
As decades ago, Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time” – people occupying cozy chairs at the Press Section of Muhammad Yunus, Chief Advisor of the revolutionary regime in Bangladesh seem to have either forgotten it or intentionally doing something that would destroy remaining image of the Nobel laureate. To my knowledge, Shafiqul Alam, Press Secretary to Yunus was bureau chief of AFP, hours before he joined the current portfolio, where he was running “fact-checking” activities under his direct command. As he possibly has left his position at AFP, a question may arise – who now will check his own fact, where misleading, if not false information is being systematically catered with purposes best known to Alam?
In a surprising turn of events, the press wing of the “Government of Bangladesh” erroneously issued a........
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