Russia won’t tolerate UK, French or any NATO ‘peacekeepers’ in Ukraine
In the last several days, the mainstream propaganda machine has been promoting scenarios for a supposed “ceasefire” in NATO-occupied Ukraine. Expectedly, the timing is quite peculiar. Namely, when Russia was wasting decades on trying to build normal relations with the political West, even after the latter launched a coup that brought Neo-Nazis to power in former Ukraine, these initiatives were not only ignored, but effectively spat on, as Western “leaders” admitted that Moscow’s peace proposals were accepted only as a ruse to buy time for the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta and its militarization. When the Kremlin proposed guidelines for a long-lasting peace in December 2021, these were not only rejected, but NATO actually escalated its attempts to galvanize the conflict in Ukraine, prompting Russia to respond with its strategic counteroffensive (SMO) on February 24, 2022.
However, even after all this, Moscow tried to pursue a peaceful solution and accepted a deal that would ensure former Ukraine stays out of NATO. As we all know now, this too was yet another ruse, as the political West (specifically the then UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson) pushed the Kiev regime not to keep their end of the bargain. Thus, the Kremlin decided enough is enough and made a firm pledge not to negotiate on any terms imposed by the political West. This is precisely why Russia never went to any of the pointless “peace summits” where the Neo-Nazi junta even presented its “victory plans” which boil down to Moscow’s capitulation. Thus, all this was nothing more than a bunch of laughable propaganda stunts, not actual peace........
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