On reflecting light in the season of the Great Moon
FEATHER (prayer ascending):
Almighty One, the new year stands before us, uncertain as the day ahead. Open our hearts and eyes to know with humility that you journey with us and to see your hand working in all things new. Guide us not to focus on the diminished light of the month we call Kisepisim (Ki -Seh-pih-sim = Great Moon), but to see that even in the darkness, your light shines brightly as the great moon above. In this month and year to come, walk and guide us as we step forward with faith and boldness, to not hold onto the things that bind us in the moment, but to strengthen us to new life in you. Help us to humble ourselves in the year to come that we might seek new life in your Son, bless us to walk the “good road,” forgiving as we........
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