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Mark Lewis

Mark Lewis

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Shoot For the Stars, Hope For the Clouds

Shoot For the Stars, Hope For the Clouds
20.01.2025 40


Mark Lewis

The Rise of Modern Leftism, Part Three

18.01.2025 10


Mark Lewis

'Blind Superstition' Wins Again!

'Blind Superstition' Wins Again!
15.01.2025 6


Mark Lewis

How Can You Feel Sorry for People Who Get What They Deserve?

How Can You Feel Sorry for People Who Get What They Deserve?
13.01.2025 60


Mark Lewis

The Rise of Moden Leftism, Part Two

The Rise of Moden Leftism, Part Two
11.01.2025 10


Mark Lewis

Trump on Canada, Greenland, and Panama

Trump on Canada, Greenland, and Panama
09.01.2025 2


Mark Lewis

The Historical Rise of Leftism, Part One

“Know thy enemy,” Sun Tzu wrote, and as we are in a holiday season with some time before the Trump administration officially begins, I want to...

05.01.2025 9


Mark Lewis

Why Do Terrorists Rarely Hit China?

Why Do Terrorists Rarely Hit China?

Have you ever noticed how China never seems to have these mass terrorist attacks that plague America?  Ever wondered why?  I know there are...

02.01.2025 30


Mark Lewis

Towards a Sane and Comprehensive Immigration Policy

The Left, (i.e., the Democratic Party) is utterly destroying the United States.  And nowhere is that more evident than in immigration policy and...

31.12.2024 10


Mark Lewis

De Tocqueville On the Difficulty of Freedom

“Nothing is more wonderful than the art of being free, but nothing is harder to learn how to use than freedom.”  (Alexis de Tocqueville) There...

28.12.2024 6


Mark Lewis

Alexis de Tocqueville and DEI

“Americans are so enamored of equality they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.” (Alexis de Tocqueville) Alexis de...

14.12.2024 4


Mark Lewis

Why Are Politicians So Weak? Part Two

I asked the above question in a recent Townhall column, and the answer is fairly obvious. Every human being has his/her weaknesses, things that...

10.12.2024 6


Mark Lewis

Why Are Politicians So Weak?

Why are politicians so weak?  Remember last year when we were all waiting for the Republican-led House of Representatives to (justifiably) impeach...

07.12.2024 20


Mark Lewis

More Biden Abuse of Power

There have been very few politicians in history who understood the true nature of freedom and the incredibly dangerous abuses that power can lead...

04.12.2024 10


Mark Lewis

The 'S' Word Appears Again

Headline from a recent “World Net Daily” article: “’Think outside the box’: Lawmaker floats idea of state seceding to resist President-elect...

30.11.2024 30


Mark Lewis

A Few Things I Am Thankful For

As I write this, it’s Thanksgiving Day or Thursday in Thailand. Obviously, the Thai people don’t celebrate the American Thanksgiving holiday,...

28.11.2024 5


Mark Lewis

Wisdom From the Founders: Madison and 'Gradual and Silent Encroachments'

“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by...

23.11.2024 40


Mark Lewis

Kamala’s Only True Campaign Statement

“Jesus is Lord!” somebody shouted at a Kamala Harris political rally before the election. She paused her speech, looked over at whomever had...

21.11.2024 10


Mark Lewis

Staying on Top May Be Harder Than Getting There in the First Place

We must be very cautious about something.  All patriotic, God-fearing Americans were ecstatic when Donald Trump won the Presidency last week....

16.11.2024 20


Mark Lewis

It’s Time We Learned Something From History

“The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.”...

11.11.2024 40


Mark Lewis

Why the Democrats Really Lost

The blame game and accusations by the Democrats started immediately after Trump’s victory Tuesday, and they were exactly what we expected.  And...

09.11.2024 30


Mark Lewis

It Would Be Hard to Imagine a More Miserable Day for Democrats

But then, they had a miserable candidate, far and away the most incompetent person to ever be a candidate for President of the United States.  And...

07.11.2024 10


Mark Lewis

Do the Unrighteous Now Outnumber the Righteous in America?

Tuesday’s election may answer that question. I have been arguing, all through this current election cycle, that two things will decide who the...

05.11.2024 20


Mark Lewis

The Current Democratic Party Coalition

As I have discussed in previous columns, the current Democratic coalition (it can and will change over time) is mainly built around race, gender,...

04.11.2024 20


Mark Lewis

More Wisdom from the Past

In past posts, I have often praised the thinking of America’s Founding Fathers.  They were wise, mainly for two reasons:  they understood that...

02.11.2024 10


Mark Lewis

Do We Really Want a Californian in the White House?

My level-headed, conservative Canadian friend who is currently teaching in China recently sent me another social media video from the PRC.  The...

01.11.2024 20


Mark Lewis

Trump Is Going to Win. Unless...

All the outward signs point to a Donald Trump victory next Tuesday. His rallies are massive, exciting, and generate huge emotion. Even Madison...

30.10.2024 6


Mark Lewis

Vote America

I have been reading that there is a fear, among Republicans and conservatives, that a lot of religious/Christian people are going to sit out this...

26.10.2024 2


Mark Lewis

Are The Democrats Becoming Their Own Worst Enemies?

The Democrats might actually lose the upcoming election because they have drifted so far away from reality and normality that they are repulsing...

24.10.2024 2


Mark Lewis

Trumpmentum—The View from Thailand

Living overseas is interesting and gives a unique perspective on events in one’s home country.  I’ve been in Thailand the past 2 years, and...

21.10.2024 10


Mark Lewis

Wisdom From the Founders: What Is Necessary for Liberty?

“To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people is a chimerical [fanciful] idea”...

19.10.2024 20


Mark Lewis

Why People Will Vote for Harris, Walz

Why are people going to vote for Harris/Walz?  It’s a little hard for us to fathom that people actually will, but millions upon millions are going...

17.10.2024 10


Mark Lewis

I Support Trump Because He Believes in Religious Freedom

As did all our Founding Fathers, I believe virtue is necessary for true freedom.  I fully agree with James Madison:  “To suppose that any form...

14.10.2024 20


Mark Lewis

Knowledge, Stupidity, Virtue, Immorality

Nobody is 100 percent evil, and nobody is 100 percent good.  There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best.  Even Adolf Hitler...

12.10.2024 30


Mark Lewis

Do We Want a Constitutional Government or Not?

"The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specific objects.  It is not like the state governments, whose powers...

07.10.2024 10


Mark Lewis

Who Is Going to Vote Democrat?

At least 40% of Americans who vote this year are almost sure to vote for Harris/Walz and other Democrats down ticket. That’s a history lesson that...

05.10.2024 60


Mark Lewis

Two Reasons I Reject Leftism

Modern leftism has been plaguing the world for over 200 years, and finally obtained political power in many places about 100 years ago. We have...

01.10.2024 20


Mark Lewis

Europe: Coming Soon to an America Near You

“20 Months in Prison for a Facebook Post That Says ‘I Don’t Want My Tax Money Going to Immigrants.’”  (from an “X” post) “EU Releases...

28.09.2024 30


Mark Lewis

What a Leftist Means by 'Freedom'

Any Leftist, any Democrat, will tell you they believe in freedom. Of course they do. Even the Chinese believe in “freedom.” It’s the Donald...

25.09.2024 20


Mark Lewis

'We Are Socialists'

“We are socialists. We are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system, the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries,...

21.09.2024 10


Mark Lewis

This Is the Left

“If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within.”--James Madison  “A great civilization is not conquered from without...

18.09.2024 30


Mark Lewis

The American Left’s Greatest Evil

Leftism is not so much an ideology as it is a purpose or a means to an end.  Its goal is totalitarian power over the masses, and it will use any...

29.07.2024 50


Mark Lewis

How Can They Stay With Her, How Can They Dump Her?

How would you like to be a Democrat and have to try to convince the American people that uber-DEI VP Kamala Harris is fit to be President of (what...

23.07.2024 3


Mark Lewis