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Ko je Donald Trump leta 2019 prvič razglasil, da bi morale Združene države Amerike kupiti Grenlandijo, je danska premierka Mette Frederiksen to...
REUTERS V nadaljevanju preberite: - Čeprav so bila vsa prizadevanja do zdaj neuspešna, je resolucija 2254, ki jo je decembra 2015 soglasno...
Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin je v svojem dolgem govoru na letnem zasedanju debatnega kluba Valdaj pretekli mesec poskušal predstaviti svoj...
NEW DELHI – In a lengthy address at the annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to outline his...
NEW DELHI – In a lengthy address at the annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to outline his...
NEW DELHI – In a lengthy address at the annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to outline his...
Reuters V nadaljevanju preberite: - Strogo vojaško gledano Izrael niza uspeh za uspehom, odkar ga je Hamasov napad 7. oktobra 2023, ki velja za...
Carl Bildt STOCKHOLM – With the death of Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader who planned the Oct. 7, 2023, attack that triggered the Gaza war, an...
Carl Bildt STOCKHOLM – With Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine now well into its third year, there are...
Epa V nadaljevanju preberite: - Čeprav imajo države različne razloge za to, da v konfliktu z Rusijo podpirajo Ukrajino, je vsem skupno, da...
Carl Bildt STOCKHOLM – Since 2014, Russia has brazenly violated Ukraine’s territorial integrity with incursions, illegal annexations, and a...
Donald Trump in njegov podpredsedniški adut Vance Reuters V nadaljevanju preberite: - Rusija je nedvomno večja od Ukrajine. Toda če bi morala...
STOCKHOLM – In a commentary published by the New York Times this past April, J.D. Vance, now the Republican vice-presidential nominee, proposed a...