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The recent investigations published by the IDF, along with those emerging in the media, are difficult, incisive, and truthful, perhaps marking the start of a necessary process of self-examination. However, these inquiries are ultimately conducted by IDF officers and defense personnel assessing their own actions in order to improve. They do not constitute a comprehensive investigation into all the circumstances that led to the failures of October 7th.
In my view, while these investigations are undoubtedly important – for the bereaved families, the victims, and the necessary systemic overhaul – placing too much emphasis on them risks undermining the broader effort to uncover the full picture. The primary task at hand is a comprehensive inquiry led by an independent state commission. By focusing on these internal investigations, there is a real danger of inadvertently aiding those seeking to obstruct the establishment of such a commission.
Most people read these investigations – filled with shocking and chilling accounts – and instinctively identify specific individuals as responsible for the failure, often among the officers and commanders who were unprepared or failed to act effectively in real time.
But anyone familiar with Israel’s central decision-making processes knows that practical responsibility – beyond just general........
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