Where do transgenders fit?
US president Donald Trump has brought the discussion about transgenders to the forefront by announcing that there are only two genders, male and female, in his inauguration speech; he also signed an executive order to that effect. All Federal documents and protocols are being changed to reflect this policy. The policy is also expected to restrict transgenders from military service. The unanswered question is where transgenders fit in and how; the issue is complicated by the fact that we do not understand transgenders.
Transgenders, especially the ones who were biological males before the transformation, have been the focus of major controversies in the US in recent years. First was the introduction of gender-neutral restrooms in many restaurants and public places. Parents of young girls are concerned that transgender “girls” can abuse their daughters in the bathroom. Even worse is the scenario where a man can pretend to be a transgender and assault girls. One such case allegedly happened in Virginia. There have also been reports of violence against women by transgenders in women’s shelters. The push for use of gender-neutral pronouns even in elementary schools is only confusing the kids. Definition of the word “woman” has become an item of debate and joke.
A major issue had to do with participation of transgender women in women’s sports. Most people believe that transgenders who were born as biological males have an unfair advantage over women athletes because of their inherent physical strength and stamina. A proposed bill banning participation of transgenders in women’s sports is making its way through the US Congress right now. The horrific 2023 mass killing of six people in Nashville by a transgender female only added to our lack of understanding about their mindset. More recently, the beer giant Anheuser Busch faced massive backlash for partnering with the transgender influencer/activist Dylan Mulvaney in their marketing of the “Bud Light” brand on social media.
Many celebrities openly boycotted the product, and this episode polarized America. Unfortunately, many people classify these as “LGBTQ ” issues, to be........
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