Undoer of knots
“Be a doer, not a dreamer!” It is a saying that inspires us to be a doer. The apostle James also advises us to put the words of God into practice by being “doers of the word” (James 1:22). We are encouraged to be more constructive and productive by being a faithful doer.
At the same time, we are inspired to be an undoer. What does it mean to be an undoer? In what way can we become an undoer?
Some of us might have a difficult time untangling complicated knots of threads, hoses, and sometimes even relationships. As you know, untying knots takes a lot of time, energy, patience and prayer.
When the tangles are twisted, quick-tempered people can simply cut them away. Only those who are calm, patient and generous can undo the tangles one by one with enduring perseverance.
Solving and untangling the knots of human relationships take time and patience because relationships need........
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