Opinion: Further clarity vital on Saskatchewan rural health care changes
The Rural Health Coalition struck an agreement with the Romanow government in the wake of changes to health-care services in rural Saskatchewan.
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Mr. Lewis works against himself in his column published Feb. 21.
His headline statement is true: “A serious debate on rural health care in Saskatchewan is needed, but it can only happen after the falsehoods of the past are abandoned.”
However, here, Mr. Lewis has done exactly what he professes to decry by perpetuating his version of “the falsehoods of the past.” He has skewed his version of the history to somehow absolve the NDP government of the day from blame for the choices they made in April of 1993.
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Instead, what the NDP need to do is to acknowledge the facts, understand the hurt caused and look for a reconciliation with rural Saskatchewan.
Until the NDP, as a political party hoping to be government, achieve such a reconciliation, they will continue to be the willing victims of the Saskatchewan Party........
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