GARDEN CLIPPINGS: Using natural insecticides
When potato beetles eat the leaves of your home-grown potato plants, your yield at harvest time can be reduced substantially.
If bean beetles decimate the leaves of beans, your first beans picked might be just fine, but the latter beans might be a lost cause.
Aphids can often be found sucking the juices of tender new growth on many flowering shrubs, causing growth to be somewhat stunted. But control measures for aphids are rarely warranted.
Tent caterpillars do an amazing job of building protective webbing around a large section of leaves and stems, creating a safe home for caterpillars to enjoy dinner. But a few colonies of tent caterpillars living in a tree is no cause for alarm. And for those who are bothered by tent caterpillars, the best cure is to grab a long stick and stir up the nest.
Before 2009,........
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