The BQE’s woes and what’s next: A slimmed-down span with supports on both sides
With political turmoil at all levels of government, many problems may get overlooked or delayed. But I worry about one in particular that could have calamitous results as time goes on: The BQE’s triple-cantilevered section in Brooklyn Heights. It doesn’t care who is mayor or that a U.S. president may cut off transportation funding because of congestion pricing.
Approaching 80-years-old, it continues to deteriorate and crumble. That it is a multi-level cantilever, i.e. supported on just one side, adds to my angst. Think of yourself standing: On two legs you can do it a long time, on one leg not so long. The BQE has been standing on one leg for more than 70 years.
For 20 years now, the state and city have futzed around with ideas on what to do. The state gave up after about two years of meetings with the community; they were no match for Brooklynites! City DOT picked up the project around 2015 and floated numerous ideas including building a temporary road at the beloved Brooklyn Heights Promenade level. That landed like a lead balloon.
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