Upgrade The Curriculum
By Subzar Ah Ganaie
In 1959, a well-known physicist Richard Feynman delivered a visionary lecture at California Institute of Technology titled “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” where he outlined the vast potential of manipulating matter at the atomic and molecular levels. Feynman’s revolutionary ideas laid the groundwork for nanotechnology, a field that now drives innovation in medicine, energy, agriculture, and more. Decades later, his vision remains a guiding light for scientific progress worldwide. The subject emphasized the importance of bridging gaps between physical, chemical and biological sciences while transforming them into an interdisciplinary one. Until the invention of high-end microscopy, nanotechnology seemed to be an arbitrary word. Discoveries like, graphene, lysurgus cup- an ancient Roman glass, carbon nanotube, the setae of Gecko’s feet, Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid etc. proved that nanotechnology plays an artistic role in shaping the design of this universe both physically and biologically. In other words, it transcends the objects both intrinsically and extrinsically. So, the question if it does so, why don’t we dare to expose ourselves and the school going children to this much pre-existing knowledge system in 2025? Is it because we want to hang around the so-called basic sciences like chemistry, physics and biology which diversify........
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