Tackling drug-related crimes in JK: a collective responsibility
By: Ahmed Fayaz
The rise in drug-related crimes in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) is a growing concern and the responsibility to tackle it cannot be solely attributed to the police and law enforcement agencies. While the role of these institutions in maintaining law and order is vital, the broader issue requires a multifaceted approach. The responsibility to combat the increasing prevalence of drugs and associated crimes lies not just with the police but with the government, civil society, and the community as a whole. This article explores the various factors contributing to the drug crisis in J&K, outlines the measures needed to address it, and emphasizes the importance of a collaborative, community-based effort.
The growing threat of drugs in J&K
Jammu and Kashmir, once known for its natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, has been grappling with several socio-economic challenges over the past few decades. The region’s turbulent political history, ongoing conflicts, and economic instability have had a profound impact on its social fabric, with young people often caught in the crossfire of these broader issues. The growing drug problem is one of the unfortunate byproducts of these challenges.
Drugs have found their way into the lives of many individuals, especially the youth, contributing to a rise in crimes ranging from petty thefts and robberies to more severe offenses like violent assaults and trafficking. This, in turn, has placed an additional burden on law enforcement agencies and the judicial system. The increasing dependence on drugs, both illicit and prescription-based, has also led to a rise in addiction-related health problems, further straining the already overburdened healthcare system in J&K.
A multi-faceted approach to tackling drug crimes
Government’s role in addressing the root causes
The government has a crucial role to play in addressing the root causes of drug abuse and its connection to crime. It is essential that the government take the lead in implementing proactive measures to tackle the problem at both the prevention and intervention levels. While law enforcement must continue its efforts to curb the supply of drugs, the government must focus on the demand side of the equation, primarily by offering youth alternatives to drugs and crime.
One of the most effective ways to do this is by providing........
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