Twins' Goals for the New Year
Admit it or not, most twins would like to get along as they did as small children, especially on their birthday and the holidays. For twins who get along, the attention of feeling special and understood is profound and seriously important to their twin identity. Unfortunately, life struggles such as illness, marriage, and children can get in between twins and create distance, jealousy, and mistrust. For twins, avoiding these difficult angry feelings is very hard to do. Here are some thoughts that twins have shared with me about the desire to connect in a peaceful manner.
“I really want to get along with my twin but we just fight and make up. And the roller coaster ride starts all over again.” —Margo, age 53
“I wish I could tell my twin what he does that makes me so upset but he can't seem to listen to my problems.” —Josh, age 45
“I hate when people ask me how my brother is and don't ask how I am doing. I feel invisible.”........
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