The Historical Rise of Leftism, Part One
“Know thy enemy,” Sun Tzu wrote, and as we are in a holiday season with some time before the Trump administration officially begins, I want to write a historical series tracing the rise of modern Leftism for us. Given space limitations, I will only touch the major historical movements from which the more minor ones (e.g., Alinskyism) arose. There will be some gaps, of course, because this is a short series, not a book. So, please be understanding. Let’s see if we can comprehend modern Leftism’s historical roots. By such comprehension, hopefully we can become better equipped to meet and expose its horrendous fallacies and consequences, consequences we’ve already been witnessing over the past 100 years.
Where did modern Leftism come from? How did it arise in America? What are the foundations of America’s Leftist movement? I will attempt to summarize, in these few articles, these all-important questions. Everything, including modern “progressivism,” has its history, and understanding that history can help us better combat its errors.
Get ready for a wild ride through history, one your Leftist professor never taught you.
Of course, with any historical event, we could start with Adam and Eve, so a beginning time can be arbitrary. But let me commence our journey with the fall of the Roman Empire (5th century) and its aftermath. The centuries following Rome are popularly referred to as “The Dark Ages,” which is a bit unfair. But it is true that, for several centuries after the Roman collapse, Europe had to adjust to its new “barbarian” invaders (don’t call them that to their faces), and the continent certainly needed........
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