Americans Need a Plan of Hope, Not 'All-Trimester Abortions'
What happens when a gaffe turns into saying the quiet part out loud?
Well, that’s precisely what happened last night at a campaign rally in Nevada when President Joe Biden, in his effort to slam Trump, instead exposed his party’s own extreme platform.
Biden garbled, "I love how Trump is saying Biden is for abortion on demand. That's not true. That's not what Roe v. Wade said. It said the three trimesters."
And with that, in a rare moment, Joe Biden uttered the truth about Roe.
It’s true, that under Roe, many states including our nation’s capital, performed abortions on demand for any reason through all trimesters.
And now Joe Biden really wants to champion that as his primary platform for 2024?
Which leads me to question...does Joe even know Roe?
In one day, Roe forcibly struck down every law in the country that protected babies in the womb and disregarded the will of every American, opting instead to put unelected judges’ thumbs on the scales of life. In Doe v. Bolton, decided on the same day, the Supreme Court defined a health exception for abortion to include virtually any reason— “physical, emotional, psychological, familial and the woman’s age—relevant to the wellbeing of the patient. All these factors may relate to health.” Together Doe and Roe morphed into a lax abortion law of the land that shaped our country for 50 years.
Despite its nationwide impact, many Americans never knew the true........
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