Antisemitism From the Right
Antisemitism, as a shape-shifting behavior, is finding its home also on the right.
There is no question, hands down, that the challenges that Jews are facing in the US are mostly driven by those on the Biden left. Those screaming for the destruction of Israel, and the ones threatening Jews in kosher restaurants, and the thugs who spray graffiti on Jewish institutions are leftists joined at the hip with Islamists imported into the US. The media and Department of Justice wish Americans to believe that the biggest threat to Jews comes from the right, while the reality is that blacks, Muslims and leftist students are the driving force for the antisemitism and hatred felt at such intensity for the first time in the US. So-called students have returned to Columbia and other former institutions of higher education and have taken up their keffiyeh-driven protests after a few months to tan in the Caribbean.
If a person goes to his doctor and the latter tells him that he has an aggressive cancer in his lungs, the patient would also like the doctor to inform him that there is also a small growth in the stomach. That most of the antisemitism that is threatening Jews and Jewish communities as never before comes from the left does not mean that one has to ignore an inborn antisemitic behavior that is still found on the right. William Buckley in his day fought the Birchers and did his part to drive antisemitism out of the Republican Party. The problem is that it has come back with people who have millions of........
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