Stop Blaming, Start Aiming
Blame is an easy escape when life doesn’t go as planned, but it’s also a barrier to personal growth
Every man is the architect of his own life; hence one can easily say that we all try to make our lives just the way we want them to be, however, when something goes wrong, we immediately start looking out for someone or something to blame instead of changing ourselves to better the situation. It’s a fact that we all spend too much of our time and energy in finding people to blame for all the problems in our life. But why do we need to blame someone?
Because we want to redeem ourselves of the guilt of doing something wrong by justifying it, therefore internally we pass on the responsibility of our behaviour to a person, situation or an external factor. Doesn’t that sound very normal? Well!!! It may be to the majority of us, but while playing this game of blaming, we forget that as per the Law of Karma, the one who changes........
© The Pioneer