Freedom of religion an empty formula unless places to worship available
Places of worship in this country were traditionally guaranteed by well resourced religious institutions. In recent years religious worship has become more diverse and many worshipping communities now exist outside wider hierarchical structures. Their resources are limited.
Access to places of worship is a big challenge and, when found, they are often inadequate. “Freedom of religion” is an empty formula unless people of faith are able to gather to worship under suitable conditions.
In the changing face of religion in Ireland, people of Muslim faith make up a large proportion of regular congregational worshippers. Of the 24 mosques and Islamic prayer rooms in Dublin, three are in the north inner city, the only place in the Republic where they outnumber Catholics.
Other mosques in the area face the same problem of inadequate space, which means that they are forced to multiply weekly services when the norm is for the entire community to gather at the same time
One of these north inner city mosques — Masjid Rahma (Mosque of Mercy) — was previously renting a premises in Temple Lane off Gardiner St, which held 400 worshippers, until the lease was terminated in order to develop the site. This story is typical of the many new faith groups in Ireland.
When they do succeed in finding a place to worship, the costs are daunting, the tenure is uncertain and often the conditions are........
© The Irish Times