As long as the US is buying countries, why stop at two?
President-elect Donald Trump has made what to some are over-the-top proposals to acquire huge chunks of territory. So what about taking the "Art of the Deal" to a new level?
He has already sent one of his sons to kick the tires on Greenland in expectation of purchasing it from Denmark. Are his intentions to make Canada America’s 51st state and return the Panama Canal to its rightful owners serious or bluster? If they are genuine, then why not expand his aspirations to make a really big deal in keeping with his prior real estate ventures?
As a bold young man, Trump acquired the old Commodore Hotel and turned it into the first jewel in his crown as king of New York real estate. Trump Tower followed. And despite his many bankruptcies from Atlantic City casinos to an airline renamed in his honor, Trump could not be accused of thinking small.
Now as president what super projects may be worthy of his involvement?
Why not offer to buy Taiwan? The semiconductor business alone offers a great return on investment. But then can........
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