Trump's minions are laying the groundwork for military action
Many people still don't have the stomach to follow politics these days after the disappointment of the last election and the return of the Trump three-ring circus to Washington. It's depressing and nerve-wracking, even if you just hear snippets in passing or read a few paragraphs of a news story about billionaires at Mar-a-Lago or strange D-list celebrity political figures being lifted into positions of great responsibility. There's only so much you can take.
But I do wish that everyone could bring themselves to watch at least some of the president-elect's press conference on Tuesday. Yes, much of it was the standard lunacy about showerheads and whales and windmills. He always plays his greatest hits. But he's got some new material that I think people should be aware of.
I've been saying for years that his schtick about being some kind of peacenik was a crock. First of all, it was obvious that he adopted that pose in order to position himself as the opposite of both Bush and Obama who were criticized for their foreign policy. He has almost no understanding of international affairs, even now, so his shorthand decision-making was simply to say that anything his predecessors did was stupid and made the world laugh at us as he promised to reverse their policies. Sometimes he even did it, as with the Iran Nuclear Deal, the Paris Climate Agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He simply tweaked NAFTA and pretended that it was genius. And he © Salon
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