Closure Is a Bridge, Not a Door
Many see closure as a complete cleansing, a washing away, and they don’t allow themselves to move on until what is preventing them from moving on has completely dissolved. But if that’s the case, wouldn’t closure stunt growth? Not allowing yourself to push forward until you have resolved the past becomes a fallen domino piece.
According to this definition, closure will keep you closed. Closure isn’t a neatly packaged box tied up with a bow. It’s also not a magical incantation that makes all your pain disappear. We have to redefine closure so it has less power over us and doesn’t become a wall in our healing journey.
It is having the ability to transition, walking after the expiration. Closure is having the courage to get up every morning and start building a new life. A nonnegotiable to not allow what happened to prevent you from going wherever you were going before the relationship ended. Or head in a new direction after realizing you were headed down a road that wasn’t honest to you. Because relationships can give us........
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