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Keeping Cool at Work When the Temperature Rises

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Globally, summertime is often when people travel on vacation to find cooler weather and enjoy outdoor activities. Interestingly, while one part of the world is experiencing cooler weather, other parts may be experiencing severe heat. Either way, extreme temperatures, whether cold or hot, are unhealthy for human consumption. Extreme heat causes all kinds of health-related issues (heat stroke, exhaustion, abnormal thinking or behavior, etc.).

People’s impatience and frustration levels seem to increase as the temperature rises to dangerous levels. Even while in an air-conditioned office or car, your body still senses the discomfort, and people around you may express subtle aggression or talk about the harsh weather outside. It is not a surprise that when the heat goes up, so do incidents of micro or virtual aggression, such as ranting on social media, fights on sports fields, and other forms of violence, even murder. People naturally exhibit behaviors that are consistent with their physical environments. If an environment is harmonious, you can feel the serenity in the air, and you are more likely to interact with others in harmonious ways. Conversely, when the environment is harsh, unfriendly, suspicious, biased, or intense, negative interactions are more likely. Therefore, it would be a disservice for anyone to ignore the impact of harsh internal or external environments.

In a state like Arizona, where temperatures reach a high of 120 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer, car radiators regularly overheat, tires blow out on the freeways, and flights are restricted from taking off or landing due to........

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