A Word of Thanks to Nikki Haley for Her Support of Israel
In the face of tragedy true friends reveal themselves. This was an undeniable truth, when in a powerful display of support, former presidential candidate and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, responded to my invitation and embarked on a solidarity visit to Israel in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 massacre. This gesture not only deeply resonated with me personally, it profoundly touched the hearts and the lives of our people. It also sent a powerful message of her unwavering support of Israel at this critical time in the just war that we are fighting.
From the outset, Haley plunged headlong into the harsh realities faced by Israel in the aftermath of the tragic events of Oct. 7.
During our visit to Israel's southern communities that bore the brunt of the atrocities on that day, Haley met with survivors and bereaved families, spoke with officials and residents who have endured unimaginable grief, pain, and loss. In kibbutz Nir Oz and at the Nova festival site in Re'im, she walked the ground where innocent lives were brutally taken and paid tribute to the victims of the senseless and sadistic slaughter.
Yet, amid the depths of........
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