Predictions for the months ahead
It may seem futile to come up with a wish list for the year to come, but there’s nothing wrong with a little hope
By 2026, I foresee every young man in a cubicle or, at the very least, on a scooter making a food delivery. Representation Pic
I checked my phone on January 1 to see if India had become a superpower yet. It probably sounds like an unimportant thing, but I feel as if the past year really pushed that message hard, informing us repeatedly that our takeover of the world was imminent. There was all that talk about more billionaires in Bombay than Beijing, how the country’s GDP was now higher than most European countries, how our leaders routinely stopped wars from breaking out elsewhere, and even the announcement of a pod-taxi service in BKC—all solid signs that America’s days at the top were numbered. So, it felt like the right thing to check up on.
Another thing that made me optimistic was the National Smart Cities Mission, which had officially been launched a decade ago in 2015. If, according to........
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