A familiar face has ‘maintained the rage’ in Florey
Just when the Malinaukas Government looked home and hosed for another voter blitz, the election needle may be wavering.
Unfactored circumstances are now looming as unwanted distractions, including a familiar face who’s been cooling her heels out of the political limelight for three years.
Fast-talking stalwart and former Labor Party faithful, turned Independent, Frances Bedford is making a comeback attempt in the seat she holds close to her heart.
She’ll nominate again in her beloved patch of Florey for next year’s state election.
Bedford has revealed exclusively to InDaily she’s “maintained the rage” after dodging many obstacles and a raw-deal boundary change along the way.
Bedford, 71, was an MP from 1997 until 2022, quitting the party in 2017 to go Independent.
It’s been a long and winding road.
In 2018, her personal popularity arguably saw her send former Labor Treasurer Jack Snelling packing, not wanting to engage her in a contest which she won.
But her political luck ran out four years later in Newland after she swapped seats and came in third.
Bedford before leaving Labor. Photo: Tony Lewis / InDaily
The former longtime Labor true believer, who........
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